
yeah, and not to jinx it or anything...

...but i had a really good interview at borders this afternoon. they're going to call me on monday. mine's only part time and i won't even go into how crappy the pay is...but it's a fun job. and the commute is soooo easy. the bus literally picks up in from of the apartment and drops off a block from borders.

this weekend, while you're all grilling steaks in the warm sun and getting sick off easter candy, just think of us in the chilly, rainy, pacific nw. tomorrow's forecast: 46 degrees and heavy rain all day. sunday too. i'm starting to think my bones will never get warmed up! good thing there's ample good wine and beer up here to warm up the blood--and no driving! we're making chili tomorrow and probably playing video games or watching movies. i have the heater in, for chrissakes!

okay, enough ranting about the weather. if it snows on mt. tabor tomorrow i'm getting a picture so you can all feel sorry for us (mt. tabor is that ancient volcano that's about 20 blocks east of us). ta ta!



Anonymous said...

i thought i would come visit you this weekend on a whim---uh $1890 later, i decided no, it can wait.

i MISS you.

Anne and Mike said...

i priced a flight here from KC on southwest: $240.00 (friday to monday). O SNAP.

Anne and Mike said...

*i meant KC to here

Anonymous said...

Just wait, June is amazingly nice, July is great, and you'll have a few weeks in late July and August where the temps will hit mid 90s during the day with only 30% humidity max. Utterly amazing.

Anonymous said...

yah, like michael said, the weather isn't always shitty...and look at it this way...at least you NEVER have to deal with subzero temps again. ;-P

Anonymous said...

my mom told me you guys know my uncle J.Condo, if you see him will you take a picture and post it, we miss the Condo(and Auntie Annie)P.Out

Anne and Mike said...

i'll have to call j. condo and see if he's around. he usually comes out when there's moscow mules present. we'll definitely find something for you!

p.s. we miss you guys too.