
today is gorgeous. sunny and about 70 degrees. we walked up through the hawthorne district (about 5 blocks south of us). we found a year-round produce market run by a guy called "uncle paul". he only sells in-season fruits and veggies, and most of it is local. there's also a safeway a couple blocks away, so no more overpriced zupan's. zupan's is the local equivalent to whole foods--overpriced ritzy foods and specialty items.

we had the most amazing night last night, but i made mike and chris promise that they'd write about it in the blog--in their own words. needless to say, there's a cafe up the street called "the pied cow" that serves delerium tremens beer AND shisha. yeah. we have tons of pictures, but i'm going to leave that all to the boys. i feel like you're all getting this trip through MY eyes, not mike's.

portland is great. i love it here. i can't even begin to gush about all the wonderful things about this place. i will try my best, but things happen so quickly here. there's something new and awesome happening every 5 minutes, it seems.

more later--time for lunch!


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