
tonight's my friday woohoo! too bad it's mike's tuesday. we're all sorts of outta sync.

anyhoo, man, i was working downtown today and around 2pm it started raining like crazy! like out of nowhere! people were stunned. it was hilarious. i guess even the general population tends to forget how rainy portland is after several days in a row of gorgeous sunshine. anyway, people were coming into the store saying "rain!? i didn't hear about any rain forecast!" and after ringing their purchases up, people saying "thanks, now can you do something about this rain?" ho ho ho
i actually said to someone who said that: "you're in the wroooong city, if you hate rain", as if i'd lived here my entire life. i laughed pretty hard at myself after that. i'm fitting in really well here, it seems. already i'm feeling like i've worked at borders forever (even though i'm clueless about what to do there still). it's a routine, which i was desperately in need of.

i think i mentioned the kickball team...tomorrow at 4pm, and apparently, it's "drunken kickball" according to a coworker. hahaha. so i'm going to go check it out. apparently it's pretty fun, and hey, it's kickball. i need to refresh my memory and think back to 6th grade, when i last played the game. at least i probably won't blow my knee out doing it. thanks to my scottish father, i learned soccer (read: kicking a ball) skills at a pretty young age. i credit my awesome coordination to that--and my horrible clumsiness to my mom's side of the family. (sorry mom--two sisters and a cousin have all compared notes! it's the beechams who knock in to things so easily!)

alright, i'm going to lie down and read my newest comic--er, graphic novel. i'm flyin solo tomorrow, so i think i'll write letters and take photos.

kitty and thomas: i got your letter today!!!! oh man, thanks a million!! you guys have given me the idea to make little movies of our world. i already made one for you guys and it's on a cd to be mailed with the next letter (monday). it's so nice to see ollie again (the old sourpuss) and your little family. so awesome. mike and i got a ton of laughs from that. and we love you too. not sure about canada, because that's a ton of vacay to take when we've just started our jobs, but we can for sure figure something awesome to do!



Anonymous said...

glad you liked! more on the way. k&t

Anonymous said...

What graphic novel were you reading? I just got the 2nd Alias book and enjoyed that. Also, I read the 1st 100 bullet book. I liked it. You guys should try it out, if you haven't already.

Anne and Mike said...

i'm reading the sandman series. it's VERY good. i also caught myself up with "y: the last man", and i think i might start in on "100 bullets" and "transmetropolitan". i get a 33% discount on comics at work (unfortunately we don't have a whole lot to choose from).

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!