
kickball drama!

well i went to kickball yesterday. at first it was a little awkward for me since i only knew one person's name. but as the game went on, everyone sort of "warmed up" to me. i'm sure it was only my perception, and there were several people playing that no one knew. but i guess i was welcomed into the "border's clique", as it were. so anyway, we played one and a half games (my team got pummeled the first game, and it was NOT my fault--i'm actually a decent kickball player).
so halfway into the second game, our pitcher, megan (my trainer at work--the girl from des moines) , collapses on the mound. at first i thought she had just tripped over her own feet (which may have been what happend, actually), but she cried out in pain. we all rushed to the infield to see what was the matter. she was fairly calm but any attempts or suggestions to move her made her cry out in pain. her knee was dislocated, and the kneecap was now on the side of her knee. she said that this had happened to her in college as a volleyball player, and she knew that she coulsn't be moved without doing further damage to the ligaments and muscles surrounding the knee. so i asked if anyone had any ibuprofen, and someone had a couple. so she took the motrin as someone called an ambulance.
she was so calm, considering the circumstances--i think it's her strong midwestern stock, although i'm not sure if i'd be so calm if i were in her spot. so anyway, the EMTs get there after less than 10 minutes. they check and immediately say that a doctor needs to reset the leg, so she needs to take a ride in the ambulance. megan starts to get really frantic and scared at the prospect of being moved, or anyone touching the leg. they administer morphine through an IV and they lift her onto the gurney. oh my god, the cry of pain she let out--jeez, my knee hurt just from hearing it.
okay, so they load her in, her boyfriend gets in the front seat, and the ambulance starts towards the hospital. and then it gets stuck in the mud. i'm sorry, but we were all cracking up at this point, and i think megan would've been to. so about 20 people from the kickball game and random people in the park all go over to push the ambulance out of the mud. god, i wish i'd had a camera. it was quite the sight. finally they get unstuck and everyone in the park starts cheering. so that's kickball, in a nutshell. haha!
so me and three of my coworkers/team members went up the street for a couple beers (this bar serves only beer--that's sort of a thing here in oregon). over beers, i got caught up on all the borders "drama" (i.e. i know who's sleeping with whom, etc.). it was a fun time. i'm definitely going to kickball next week (if lish wants to--i think that's the weekend you're coming up, right?).

yeah, so the thing about bars here, i've noticed: lots of them don't sell liquor. and i have to say: it makes the prices cheaper and the patrons less drunk. i like it. i think about 50% of the bars i've visited have been beer/wine only. last night i was at vern's, a really sketchy dive about 5 blocks down the street (25th and belmont). i think it would've been waay sketchier if they served liquor. it's weird seeing a total dive like that serving no hard liquor, and having a huge selection of microbrews and import beers on tap. just a little portland tidbit for you all.



Anonymous said...

yep. next weekend. i'm being wishy washy right now cuz of gas prices but i think i don't care. i need out of this place for a few days. i know it probably sounds wierd, but i need to hang around people that are more like me, even if it is only for a few days. cuz i am currently going crazy here.

Anonymous said...

well, that was definitely the most entertaining kickball story I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.