
another (rainy) saturday

it's been raining pretty much all week. and while i don't mind it so much, it really does put a damper on my mood. i didn't think the rainy weather would affect me that much, but it really kind of does. i guess it's better than the heat and humidity of the midwest! and there's sunshine in the forecast, as well. once again, i am home alone for the weekend. mike's working, so i'm left to my own devices. i'm experimenting with pictures. anyway, i've been invited to a barbeque with some coworkers today. i said i'd go if it was at andrew's house, which is like 4 blocks from me. otherwise, i don't know. haha. i keep trying to think of things to make that'll really "wow" them. i seem to remember being somewhat of a cook in the not-so-distant past, but it's all a blank. my life in omaha keeps getting further and further away from me.

oh yes, and a girl put in her notice at work, so it looks like i may be transitioning to full time. thank goodness!

i am also entertaining the thought of going back to school. portland state university had a distance program for library science. it's through--get this--emporia state in overland park, KANSAS. yeah, so i need to take the GRE, which costs like $150 to take. that's about half my paycheck right now. i really want to go to library school. but it's expensive. on the plus side, i would be able to defer my student loans for awhile. admission deadline for next spring is october 1, so i have a little bit of time to prepare and take the GRE.

okay, i'm off to watch a movie (memoirs of a geisha).

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Anonymous said...

i hear ya...been rainy down this way as well. sucks. we got a taste of warm summer weather, and now we're back to spring. ah well, such is life when you live somewhere as beautiful as oregon. actually, it snowed here yesterday. well, not here here, but up in the mountains. crazy to see snow in june.

lady and i are still planning to come to portland June 20 & 21, if that ends up being an issue for you guys let me know.

can't wait to see you again!!!!

Anne and Mike said...

yay! that should work out just fine! on the news they were saying that they're keeping mount hood skiing open for another couple of weekends. maybe i'll go skiing! (yeah right)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.