
bob and mary's visit!

soon after they got to our apartment. we chatted and got ready to got eat dinner. it was so nice to see them. it was really hard seeing them drive off last night. it made me more homesick than i've been so far. i think they had a great time, though. while i was at work yesterday, mike and the folks went to breakfast, forest park, and drove around several neighborhoods--just to get a feel for the city. unfortunately, they got a real dose of portland weather, and it rained almost the entire time they were here. so they came by border's to pick me up from work yesterday and we drove over to northwest 23rd street to do some window shopping. we got some gelato at a place called "alloto gelato". yum!

after we had some delicious mexican food over near sellwood, we came home and unpacked the pictures mary and bob had delivered for us! then it was off to the peid cow.

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