
sleet? on easter?

yeah, and we were outside walking in it each time it did. first time was this morning. we were sitting on a bench next to laurelhurst pond watching the duckies. and we got lightly pelted with ice pellets. fortunately, it cleared up pretty quickly. this last time, we were walking all the way to hawthorne to uncle paul's green grocer (which was CLOSED). we hoofed it back up the hill to safeway and got our salsa fixings there instead. so we're back home again. soggy, but home. it's really not so bad, though, if you're wearing a jacket with a hood.

i saw aunt margaret's pictures of the easter festivities at the farm. looked like a gorgeous windy spring day yesterday. i heard there was a tornado just south of neb. city, though, so the weather must've turned at some point.

i got a call today for a second interview at borders tomorrow. so hopefully that's a good sign. i'd really like to start working again--it's been a month today! it's been wonderful, too, don't get me wrong. if i get this job, i have to start work at 6am, like, as in be there at 6am. i LOVE working early in the morning, though, because once i get off, i have almost the whole day ahead of me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I made salsa for Easter today!!!!!!!!!!!! CRAZY!!!! I didn't go to the farm, just hung out in a park with some friends. Beautiful sunny day, though. Sorry about the sleet.