
i'm listening to the sound of hair clippers

mike's trimming the beard. kinkos offered him the job with one caveat: trim the beard to a inch. i'm angered by this. it's complete bullshit that the length of one's beard can be used as a measuring device of one's worth. it's a damned corporate maneuver to see how far you'll go for the company, and to put you in check. so he's doing it, only because beards grow back. we had a long conversation about it over coffee this morning. and as the coffee house worker shooed a homeless guy off their lawn, it became apparent that while the corporate beard-removing tactic is a heap of caca, it's the end that is necessary, i.e. the paycheck. so he's conforming. briefly.

we moved to possibly the most liberal city on the planet (maybe besides amsterdam), go figure. they think everyone's a hippie. and a lot of people are, or homeless, but shouldn't your resume speak for you? i thought that's what references are for: a list of three or more people vouching for your awesomeness...

ah well, say goodbye to the beard for now. it'll be back, along with mike's jolly demeanor. *sniffle*

oh man, i feel like they're killing the lorax all over again.......


Anne and Mike said...

by the way, i think mike's the bravest guy in the world. it takes some serious guts to do this. and i feel like he's doing it for me, which makes me love him all that much more.

*by "doing this", i mean trimming up, and working at a less-than-ideal job so that i can work at the bookstore.


Anonymous said...


(I heart kinkos, though--I can spend hours there working on art projects.)

Anonymous said...

boo on that for sure!! but they do grow back, thankfully. BOTH OUR BOYS HAVE LOST THEIR SUPER POWER!!! lol!!

that is really sweet of him to do for you. :-)