today is our saturday, so we got up early-ish and headed east to the columbia river gorge. there's a scenic highway (read: slow and under construction) that runs parallel to the river and has tons of scenic overlooks and hiking paths that end with these wonderfull waterfalls. we say three BIG falls today (bridal veil, wahkeena, and the big momma: multnomah). personally, i preferred bridal veil because we were able to walk right up to the water and snap pictures and there weren't thousands of tourists clammering up the hiking paths, like there were at multnomah falls. anyway, it was a really fun day trip. the trip there and back was a total of 4 hours. after the bridal veil falls, we sat in the sun and ate our lunch of french bread, cheese, salami, and hummus. as mike would say, it was very "euro". we had a blast. i can't believe how close it all is to us! we were able to see breathtaking views of mount hood and st helens, too. can't imagine that sucker blowing it's top--the sound alone would've been deafening! who knows though, we may get our chance while we're here--although our parents will be glad to know that they've allowed hikers up there again (no on'es been allowed up there since the latest eruptions begain in september 2003). so no imminent eruptions folks, nothing to worry about. haha!
anyway, it was really nice to get out of the city today. we're heading into a heat wave, so we'll be able to share your pain, guys. let's just say, karma's a bitch and i had it coming. i gloated for days about the gorgeous weather here while you all were sweating to death, so yes, i have it coming...
love to you all!
anne and mike
omFg! those photos are beautiful...maybe i'll look for jobs while i'm up there ;)
Your pictures are awesome! How lucky you are to be amidst such beauty. I heard something about Portland on NPR this AM, but I can't remember what it was. We have the beautiful weather now -- we got 0.8 inch of rain last night and it is in the 70's again, just beautiful. Lots of zucchini and tomatoes and cucumbers here. I made 14 pints of relish last night. Charlotte and her kids are coming on Sunday for a week. We are looking forward to that. Love you and miss you very much.
Mom and Paul
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