what the hell was under all that fur. welp, i got my chance today. isn't he adorable???
Mike here, I'm taking votes on the best look for my future head shots. Vote for the bearded guy, the handlebars, the mustache, or smooth faced boy.

All votes will be tallied and serious consideration will be given to the most vote getter. I'll also consider any suggestions not previously pictured. Thanks for your time and lets start voting America!
well, the fu manchu makes you look like a racecar driver, so I don't know if you wanna go down that road. I'd try out a chin strap. I rocked one of those for a while.
soooo weird.
for the record, his new job required a "clean-shaven face". he didn't shave the beard to be cute. although, it just happens that he is.
mom votes for the clean young boy
dad, smooooooooooth as a babys bottom nubble west out
i think im going with the porn star/salesman. the ladies will love it(from a distance annie)and im confident you will be selling ponds left and right.let me know how it works out.
Mustache is plain creepy imho. Though the fu is pretty coolio. The clean shaven look is great. I'm a tad biased towards shaven though.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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