I guess in order for everyone to understand where we are going, it would help to know where we are coming from. While Mike has lived in various places in his life, both in the US and Italy; I am moving away from Nebraska for the first time in my 29 years. For me, this is both a scary and exhlilrating notion. I am leaving the comfort and orientation that Omaha has provided me. Along with comfort comes a sense of stagnation, though, and I have long wanted to venture out of my comfort zone to find new experiences. Nebraska is a wonderful place, full of beauty both in it's placid, yet suprising landscape, and in it's awe-inspiring weather. In visiting places like New York City, I get a sense of space and vastness by what is filling it. In Nebraska, I have the same sense of vast space by what is not there. It is huge and empty, and yet, it is so enormous a presence that one cannot help but sense God.
But it is time to leave. On Sunday, we will pack up the Subaru and head southwest towards the first point on our journey: Dodge City, Kansas. From there, we travel to Santa Fe, Flagstaff, San Luis Obispo, San Francisco, Ashland, and Portland. We'll be sharing our experiences here, along with photos of things we find interesting.
This is our first blog! Thanks! Japanese proverb: "When you have finished 95% of the journey, you are halfway there." J & B
What a great adventure!! Travel safe.
I'm so proud and happy and scared for you all at the same time. Congrats on living the dream.
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