due to some fortunate schedule-arranging at work, i have been blessed with a 3-day weekend. so far today, i've walked up to stumptown for my cappucino. i then walked over to hawthorne for a new shirt, dinner for tonight, and a lovely woodblock print from a little boutique. i've finished the laundry and am currently waiting for my lunch to cook. the weather is picture perfect, too. all the things people said about portland's summers are true. i just hope it will make up for the months of rain...
tomorrow i think mike and i are going to celebrate our first true weekend off together (sat/sun) by heading down to the saturday farmers market. i hear it's a wonderful thing to see, and we'll make sure and take the camera along to prove so.
supposedly, it's one of the top ten farmers markets in the country. we'll see about that. it
is down on the waterfront, which is so pretty so i guess it's got that going for it.
nothing else to report other than i am slacking
big time on studying for the GRE. i've been trying to study on my lunch breaks at work, but my friend sarah turned me on to a certain sci-fi trilogy, so i've been opting to read for pleasure rather than memorize vocabulary words. i'm just telling myself that by reading, i am subconsciously picking up new vocab...yeah right. anyway, lunch is ready! love you all!