As many of you know, I am in Nebraska. My brother, Eric, passed away Friday from a long, painful bout with cancer. His funeral was yesterday, and it was beautiful (if a little heavy on the Jesus). His kids are so amazingly strong, and each gave an incredible eulogy. My brother, Rob made a video about Eric's life which got everyone weeping. It was so sad and beautiful at the same time.
Anyway, I am still here for a couple of days. I am at my mom's house "the farm", and Kirsten is driving me into Omaha this afternoon. Anyway. I've brought a little friend with me, and he'll show you all the wonderous sights we've been taking in.
I haven't named him, but he almost fell off the bridge over the Little Nemaha (must be the Portlander in him). Anyway, he's fine and so far no dogs have gnawed his face off.